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Rwanda Asylum Plan Uk

UK Government's Controversial Rwanda Asylum Plan: Outlining Costs and Progress

How Much Has Britain Spent on the Plan?

Despite the absence of asylum seekers being sent to Rwanda thus far, the National Audit Office (NAO) has reported expenditures related to the plan. The NAO noted that the UK government has allocated £120 million to Rwanda for the scheme's implementation. Additionally, the Home Office has set aside £50 million to cover the costs of housing and supporting asylum seekers during their time in Rwanda.

Progress Update:

According to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the government remains committed to commencing the transfer of asylum seekers to Rwanda. The UK-Rwanda treaty, which formalizes the plan, has been confirmed by Rwanda as being in compliance with its obligations. However, it remains unclear when the first asylum seekers will be sent under the scheme.

Controversy and Legal Challenges:

The UK government's Rwanda asylum plan has faced significant criticism from human rights organizations and charities. Concerns have been raised about the safety and well-being of asylum seekers sent to Rwanda. Legal challenges to the plan are ongoing, with a hearing scheduled for June 2022.


The UK government's Rwanda asylum plan remains a contentious issue. While the government has outlined its spending on the scheme and reaffirmed its commitment to its implementation, the plan continues to face legal challenges and ethical concerns. The outcome of the legal proceedings and the future of the plan remain to be determined.
